Sunday, April 29, 2012

Classroom Newsletter: April 29, 2012

This Week

I am SO PROUD of all of the second graders and the great job they did at our wax museum!  Thank you parents for supporting me and your child with this assignment.  When we work together as a team we can accomplish great things!  The costumes and oral presentations turned out great!  Look on my blog,, later this week for photos, and hopefully video of the presentations. I am hoping to have it all online by Thursday evening.

Don’t forget to join us tomorrow evening for an important meeting about our May 21 overnight to camp.

Creative Writing

This week we are working on a special top secret project.  Please send in with your child a recipe.  I would prefer that the recipe you send in is something that your family enjoys eating together.  Please send in the recipe by this Friday.


The two stories in our reading series this week are about clubs and clubhouses.  We will talk about clubhouses and write about what our dream clubhouse would be like.  Reading skills of the week include determining realism/fantasy, and story elements review.  Our sound of the week is the long e sound spelled “ie” and “ey” as in cookie and money. During grammar time we will review types of sentences and what is needed to make a complete sentence.


We will finish chapter 10 with a test this Wednesday.  Review sheets went home today.  Later in the week we will talk about saving money at the bank.  

This Week’s Assignments

Reading worksheet due Friday

Math review sheet

Send in a favorite recipe by Friday

Have a great week,

Mrs. O’Brien

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Classroom Newsletter: April 22, 2012

This Week

Join us for our wax museum this Friday April 27 in the second grade classroom at 9:00 am.  We look forward to seeing you then!


This week we will review key concepts before taking our unit 5 skills test.  These include contractions, syllables, main idea and pronouns.

Reading comprehension questions are increasingly difficult on the skills tests.  It is expected that by this point in second grade your child is no longer a beginning reader.  Third graders are no longer learning to read, but rather reading to learn.  Any extra reading comprehension help you can give to your child will greatly benefit them in preparation for third grade.   It is amazing what kind of resources you can find to practice on the Internet.  I get a lot of ideas and resources from and      

Creative Writing:

This week we will put the finishing touches on our oral presentations for the wax museum.  Please help your child to prepare a simple costume for Friday.  I do not expect anyone to spend lots of money on a new outfit, simply get creative with what you have.  It is amazing what can be done with paper plates and brown paper grocery bags!


We are continuing to take subtraction timed tests this week.  We will continue to work on chapter 10 which finishes by showing the relationship between money and place value.  Expect a math test early to mid- next week.

This Week’s Assignments

Prepare for Friday’s wax museum

 It has been awhile since I have received reading logs from some students.  Keep turning those in for stickers!

Math homework Monday-Thursday

Reading comprehension worksheet was sent home on Friday. Return by this Friday.

Have a great week,

Mrs. O’Brien

Printable Fiction/Nonfiction Posters

My second graders have a hard time remembering the difference between fiction and nonfiction.  The tendency for many of them is to say that a story is nonfiction when it is "not real."  Using "Google images" I made these posters to help them tell the difference.  Hopefully seeing the picture of a real mouse next to the word nonfiction will help them to remember that nonfiction stories are "real" or "true."

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Classroom Newsletter: April 16, 2012

This Week

This week is a pretty “typical” week in our second grade classroom.  We are continuing to work on those skills that we need to master before entering third grade.


Our stories of the week center around the theme of dinosaurs. At this point many of the skills we are working are not new, but still need work for mastery.  They include: identifying main idea, sequencing, comprehension, rhyming and contractions.  A new skill this week is the identification of antonyms (opposites).  This should be review from earlier schooling and will be touched on to refresh memories. Our sound of the week is the “ex” sound in words like “exercise”.    

Creative Writing:

This week we will use electronic sources and our book reports to create a brief oral presentation about our selected biography person. I will help students with the presentation in class and they may continue to work on it at home.  The directions to the project will be in the red homework folder.   Be thinking about how your child can dress like the person they are studying as we are planning a wax museum.  I do not expect new outfits to be purchased… a lot can be done with some creativity paper plates, yarn, grocery bags, etc. The tentative date for the wax museum, which friends and family are invited to, is still Friday April 27 at 9 am, though I have not confirmed this on the school calendar.  I will do my best to have this set in stone by the end of the week.  This is a new project for me so if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!


We are continuing to take subtraction timed tests this week.  We will also continue to work on our chapter 10 money unit.  This week we will learn how to count up to make change.    

This Week’s Assignments

 It has been awhile since I have received reading logs from some students.  Keep turning those in for stickers!

Math homework Monday-Thursday

Work on wax museum oral reports at home.  Directions are in the red folder.  Think about your costume for the wax museum next week.

Have a great week,

Mrs. O’Brien