While teaching children this young how to conduct research is challenging, I am very proud of the end result. The class did a great job and it was some of the best oral reading and writing I have seen my students do all year. In my second year as a primary grades teacher, I have been surprised at the passion children have for nonfiction. They were so excited to read to gain new information and their passion for learning has been evident in their work.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Our Second Grade Wax Museum
Classroom Newsletter: May 7, 2012
This Week
What became very evident to
me in planning my lessons this week is that this school year is quickly coming
to an end! We have A LOT of school wide
activities planned for the remaining weeks so please be sure to check your
Crusader Comments. This week is very
busy as we perform our school musical. I
will not assign any homework on Thursday in preparation for our evening
The two stories in our
reading series this week are about collecting things. Reading skills this week include using
context clues and story element review. During language time we will review
using quotation marks to signal dialogue. A Unit 5 benchmark test is planned for
We are starting our final
chapter (11) this week. Skills in this
chapter that we are working on this week are making change and subtraction with
borrowing. We are also still working
timed tests for basic subtraction facts.
There are still a number of students who need to improve upon their speed
and accuracy. If your child is still
struggling, I highly recommend spending a few minutes each night reviewing
basic subtraction facts using flashcards.
This Week’s Assignments
Reading worksheet due Friday
Math homework
This Week’s Special events:
Tuesday: 9:30 evacuation
Wednesday: AM musical dress
Thursday: 7:00 PM musical
Friday: 9:30 lockdown drill
Have a great week,
Mrs. O’Brien
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Classroom Newsletter: April 29, 2012
This Week
I am SO PROUD of all of the
second graders and the great job they did at our wax museum! Thank you parents for supporting me and your
child with this assignment. When we work
together as a team we can accomplish great things! The costumes and oral presentations turned
out great! Look on my blog,
mrsobrienclassconnect.blogspot.com, later this week for photos, and hopefully
video of the presentations. I am hoping to have it all online by Thursday
Don’t forget to join us
tomorrow evening for an important meeting about our May 21 overnight to camp.
Creative Writing
This week we are working on a
special top secret project. Please send
in with your child a recipe. I would
prefer that the recipe you send in is something that your family enjoys eating
together. Please send in the recipe by this Friday.
The two stories in our
reading series this week are about clubs and clubhouses. We will talk about clubhouses and write about
what our dream clubhouse would be like.
Reading skills of the week include determining realism/fantasy, and
story elements review. Our sound of the
week is the long e sound spelled “ie” and “ey” as in cookie and money. During
grammar time we will review types of sentences and what is needed to make a
complete sentence.
We will finish chapter 10
with a test this Wednesday. Review
sheets went home today. Later in the
week we will talk about saving money at the bank.
This Week’s Assignments
Reading worksheet due Friday
Math review sheet
Send in a favorite recipe by
Mrs. O’Brien
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Classroom Newsletter: April 22, 2012
This Week
Join us for our wax museum
this Friday April 27 in the second grade classroom at 9:00 am. We look forward to seeing you then!
This week we will review key
concepts before taking our unit 5 skills test.
These include contractions, syllables, main idea and pronouns.
Reading comprehension
questions are increasingly difficult on the skills tests. It is expected that by this point in second
grade your child is no longer a beginning reader. Third graders are no longer learning to read,
but rather reading to learn. Any extra
reading comprehension help you can give to your child will greatly benefit them
in preparation for third grade. It is
amazing what kind of resources you can find to practice on the Internet. I get a lot of ideas and resources from
superteacherworksheets.com and apples4theteacher.com.
Creative Writing:
This week we will put the
finishing touches on our oral presentations for the wax museum. Please help your child to prepare a simple
costume for Friday. I do not expect
anyone to spend lots of money on a new outfit, simply get creative with what
you have. It is amazing what can be done
with paper plates and brown paper grocery bags!
We are continuing to take
subtraction timed tests this week. We
will continue to work on chapter 10 which finishes by showing the relationship
between money and place value. Expect a
math test early to mid- next week.
This Week’s Assignments
Prepare for Friday’s wax
It has been awhile since I have received
reading logs from some students. Keep
turning those in for stickers!
Math homework Monday-Thursday
Reading comprehension
worksheet was sent home on Friday. Return by this Friday.
Have a great week,
Mrs. O’Brien
Printable Fiction/Nonfiction Posters

Sunday, April 15, 2012
Classroom Newsletter: April 16, 2012
This Week
This week is a pretty “typical” week in our second grade classroom. We are continuing to work on those skills that we need to master before entering third grade.
Our stories of the week center around the theme of dinosaurs. At this point many of the skills we are working are not new, but still need work for mastery. They include: identifying main idea, sequencing, comprehension, rhyming and contractions. A new skill this week is the identification of antonyms (opposites). This should be review from earlier schooling and will be touched on to refresh memories. Our sound of the week is the “ex” sound in words like “exercise”.
Creative Writing:
This week we will use electronic sources and our book reports to create a brief oral presentation about our selected biography person. I will help students with the presentation in class and they may continue to work on it at home. The directions to the project will be in the red homework folder. Be thinking about how your child can dress like the person they are studying as we are planning a wax museum. I do not expect new outfits to be purchased… a lot can be done with some creativity paper plates, yarn, grocery bags, etc. The tentative date for the wax museum, which friends and family are invited to, is still Friday April 27 at 9 am, though I have not confirmed this on the school calendar. I will do my best to have this set in stone by the end of the week. This is a new project for me so if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!
We are continuing to take subtraction timed tests this week. We will also continue to work on our chapter 10 money unit. This week we will learn how to count up to make change.
This Week’s Assignments
It has been awhile since I have received reading logs from some students. Keep turning those in for stickers!
Math homework Monday-Thursday
Work on wax museum oral reports at home. Directions are in the red folder. Think about your costume for the wax museum next week.
Have a great week,
Mrs. O’Brien
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Literature Circles for Second Grade
Word Wizard: I chose two words from each daily reading assignment and the Word Wizard had to use the dictionary to define the words.
Discussion Director: It was the job of this student to write down at least three interesting questions about the chapter to discuss within the reading group. I found that at this age level, it was difficult for them to come up with more probing questions beyond, "what was the setting, characters, etc." Next time, I will provide a list of sample questions to engage the students in deeper thinking.
Lastly, it was the job of the illustrator to draw a picture of what they think the selection might have looked like.
After the first night, I assigned two chapters per day. I gave students plenty of time in class to finish their job. The next day each student shared their work in the order listed above and was assigned a new task. Before completing a job, the student had to read the daily assignment at least twice. I had a copy of one of the books on CD and placed my struggling readers in this group. Over time, there is probably a lot of tweaking I will do to improve my literature circles, but the class had a great time with it and I feel it was a successful first attempt.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Classroom Newsletter: March 26, 2012
This Week
We have had a lot of fun and exciting events over the last few weeks! Thank you SEA for the funds for our Winterim trip. We had a great time at the movies and a very enjoyable lunch. Enjoy spring break with your loved ones as we do not have school next week through Easter Monday. We will return to school on April 10th. Report cards will go home with your child this Friday.
As the weather has warmed up, I have noticed a drop in student grades and behavior. I know that many students are busy with spring activities, but it is still important to incorporate reading into the nightly routine. As I help prepare your child for third grade, I will be stricter this quarter with classroom discipline. Your children are a great group of kids and are generally very well behaved but listening, following directions and keeping hands to self are, at times, an issue.
Reading/Creative Writing
Overall, I felt that literature circles went well last week. It was a great lesson in personal responsibility and helped students to apply their reading skills to a more lengthy selection. I was, however, disappointed in the Unit 4 Benchmark test results. I will be working with the class this week to identify why mistakes are incorrect and allow them to fix their answers for additional half-credit. New skills we are working on this week are distinguishing between fact and opinion. During creative writing time, we will write a friendly letter to Jack and Annie from the Magic Tree House books.
Our sound of the week is the “ue” sound as in “blue”. We will learn about synonyms and use an electronic Thesaurus to identify words with the same meaning.
Subtraction timed tests start this week. We will finish our measurement chapter and test on Thursday. A chapter review will go home Tuesday.
This Week’s Assignments
Math homework Monday-Wednesday
Practice subtraction facts
Reading worksheet went home today: Due Friday
Have a great week and a super spring break!
Mrs. O’Brien
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Classroom Newsletter: March 19, 2012
This Week
We have another fun and exciting week ahead as we look forward to our Winterim trip. Thursday we will go to a movie theatre to see “The Lorax” and out to lunch. We will be gone for most of the school day for this trip and it should be a very enjoyable day for all.
Reading/Creative Writing
This week we will finish our literature circles with the Magic Treehouse books. Overall, the students have done a good job of completing assignments, however we are still working on personal responsibility. We will also take a couple of reading assessments as we prepare for the end of the third quarter.
During creative writing time, our focus will be using quotation marks to indicate dialogue. We will also work on editing as it is important for students to learn how to catch their writing mistakes.
This is our last week of addition timed tests. Next week, we will start subtraction. Our measurement chapter has gotten off to a slower start than I expected. Any additional practice with a ruler at home will be greatly appreciated.
This Week’s Assignments
Any unfinished literature circle jobs become homework. They should be completed in Mrs. Schultze’s room during silent reading
Math homework Monday-Thursday
Have a great week,
Mrs. O’Brien
How to Trap a Leprechaun
It should come as no surprise that I am a fan of Saint Patrick's Day. My classroom is notorious for having strange things happen around this time in March. This year my students used their creativity to write expository pieces on how to catch a leprechaun. They had to use the words first, next, then and last to start each new step. We then illustrated our projects with the cute leprechaun design I found on another blogger's site.
I have one "enrichment" period a week and we used this time to set up our own "trap". Much to my class's amazement the next morning they found the trap was destroyed and the leprechaun had left a messy path around the classroom (he even shaving creamed a desk). Our tricky leprechaun even left a scavenger hunt of clues leading to a golden snack of donuts and juice. The clues that the leprechaun leaves are always difficult enough that they require some critical thinking and group problem solving. While the activity is mostly fun, it is a great way to work on reading comprehension and teamwork. I have a lot of fun with this activity every year but by far my favorite quote from a student as I was passing out cups for juice was, "this cup smells like leprechaun." It is truly a joy to work with children at the peak of their imagination.
I have one "enrichment" period a week and we used this time to set up our own "trap". Much to my class's amazement the next morning they found the trap was destroyed and the leprechaun had left a messy path around the classroom (he even shaving creamed a desk). Our tricky leprechaun even left a scavenger hunt of clues leading to a golden snack of donuts and juice. The clues that the leprechaun leaves are always difficult enough that they require some critical thinking and group problem solving. While the activity is mostly fun, it is a great way to work on reading comprehension and teamwork. I have a lot of fun with this activity every year but by far my favorite quote from a student as I was passing out cups for juice was, "this cup smells like leprechaun." It is truly a joy to work with children at the peak of their imagination.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Classroom Newsletter: March 12, 2012
This Week
A great big “thank you” to those who attended and supported the book fair and grandfriends day. We truly appreciate all that you do for our school. We have another action packed week ahead with many fun and exciting events and activities. Tuesday we will be visited by local author Diane Terry. She will talk to the kids about writing and how she made her book The Bubble Gum Fairy. Saturday is the 150th dinner dance at Ole Zimms. Please return any unsold tickets ASAP. Join us on Sunday for worship and our “a walk through time” open house. I truly appreciate all of the help you have given me with our 1980’s theme! The posters and interviews are great and I can’t wait to see it all put together. I couldn’t have done it without your help!
Reading/Creative Writing
This week we are starting literature circles with Magic Treehouse books. We will read a chapter or two a day and each child will have a daily “job” to contribute to the discussion of the book. The jobs they will perform reinforce skills already learned including, summarizing, making connections, responding to literature and defining unfamiliar words. There will also be an end of unit Benchmark test on Friday.
During creative writing we will finish our “How to Catch a Leprechaun” stories that we started last week.
Since the focus of the week is literature circles, phonics and language skills will be review.
We are continuing to take addition timed tests this week. We will start a new chapter on measurement. Topics of the week are yards, meters, feet and decimeters. Inches and centimeters should be review.
This Week’s Assignments
It has been awhile since I have received reading logs from some students. Keep turning those in for stickers!
Math homework Monday-Thursday
Reading homework should be completed during silent reading in Mrs. Schultze’s room
Have a great week,
Mrs. O’Brien
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Classroom Newsletter: March 05, 2012
This Week
It was great meeting with those of you who were able to attend parent teacher conferences. It is truly a joy to get to share with you all of the progress that your children have made this year. Everyone has grown and improved over the course of the school-year, and it has been a pleasure to be a part of the learning process.
Please be sure to invite your grandfriends to join us for grandfriends day this Wednesday at 8:30. A grandfriend can be any adult that is special to your child. We will have chapel with refreshments to follow. During this time, grandfriends may also take their loved one to the book fair. Mrs. O’Brien will also have her own special grandfriends on hand : )
Please turn in your 1980s project by Friday. We are still in need of interviews and photos of staff and students who attended Solomon in the 1980s. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated!
Reading/Creative Writing
This week we are reading stories that happened long ago including Going to Town by Laura Ingalls Wilder. We will compare life in the late 1800s to life today. Next week we are starting literature circles. In small groups, students will either read Dolphins at Daybreak or Knight at Dawn. These are Magic Treehouse books by Mary Pope Osborne. I am still in need of a few copies of each book so if your child has one of these two titles, please send them in.
Our topic of the week is singular and plural pronouns. The sound of the week is the schwa sound. We will identify the schwa sound in text and rhyming words.
We are continuing to take addition timed tests this week. We will also finish our chapter on fractions. Our end of chapter test is planned for Friday.
This Week’s Assignments
It has been awhile since I have received reading logs from some students. Keep turning those in for stickers!
Math homework Monday-Thursday
NO reading homework until after Mrs. Schultze’s projects are due
Have a great week,
Mrs. O’Brien
Flower "chart" for telling time
I recently found the idea for this "flower" on Pinterest and it has been very useful in helping my second graders to learn how to tell time. The longer leaf has the word "minute" on it to remind students that the long hand is the minute hand and the short leaf reminds students that the hour hand is the short one. I have really enjoyed adding pieces like this to my classroom to make every part of the classroom environment a learning experience.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Homemade Magnetic "Boggle" Board: An Anytime Word Work Center
I have seen a lot of great ideas on Pinterest for homemade "Boggle" boards and repurposed cookie sheets. I decided to combine the ideas to create my own magnetic set. I had a parent donate a well-used cookie sheet and I spray painted it with glossy paint. I made my own set of letters and reinforced the backs with cardstock. After laminating the letters, I fastened a small square of magnetic tape to the back of each one. I fastened the cookie sheet to a metal storage cabinet in my classroom using 4 strong magnets. When a student wants to complete the center, they may either sit next to the cabinet to write down the words they find on their "Boggle Answer Sheet," or they may take the board to their desk to complete. At the beginning of each week, I mix up the letters so that a new game can be played. This is the second week I have used the board in my classroom and so far, my second graders really enjoy it.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Thank You Secret Pal!
Classroom Newsletter: February 27, 2012
This Week
Do not forget that this is a shortened week due to parent teacher conferences. There will be an early dismissal on Thursday and no school on Friday. If you have not signed up yet and would like to meet with me, please call or return your pink form to set up a time. If you are unable to make it but would like a phone conference, please let me know. I look forward to meeting with all of you to discuss your wonderful children!
Looking ahead to March, we have a very busy month planned. Wednesday March 7 is Grandfriend’s Day. A grandfriend is a grandparent, or other special friend/relative. We would like our grandfriends to join us for chapel at 8:30 and stay for refreshments and the book fair until 10:00 am. At that time, we will say “goodbye” to our grandfriends and continue with a normal school day.
Don’t forget to help out with our preparations for the March 18th open house. Our interviews, posters, etc. are due Friday March 9th so that I can add items where needed.
Reading/Creative Writing
This week we are reading stories about outer space. We will focus on identifying the main idea and review glossary usage. During creative writing time, we are starting a short poetry unit. We will look at examples of other poems and produce some of our own. This week we will work on poems with similies and list poems.
Our topic of the week is pronouns. The sound of the week is the short u sound spelled “ou” as in “cousin”.
We are continuing to take addition timed tests this week. Everyone has made tremendous improvements, but some students would still benefit from additional practice at home. It is expected that all second graders know their basic addition facts quickly and accurately. Last week we started a new unit on fractions. This seemed to be a new concept to most students. Be sure to check your child’s homework as they may need extra help with this new concept.
This Week’s Assignments
It has been awhile since I have received reading logs from some students. Keep turning those in for stickers!
Math homework Tue-Thursday
NO reading homework until after Mrs. Schultze’s projects are due
Have a great week,
Mrs. O’Brien
Monday, February 20, 2012
Classroom Newsletter February 21, 2012
This Week
I hope that everyone had an enjoyable President’s Day weekend. This week marks the beginning of the season of Lent. Join us Wednesday at 8:30 for a special Ash Wednesday chapel service lead by Pastor Henry. Last week, you should have received a letter from me about how to help with our open house in honor of the 150th anniversary. Please help your child choose a project to contribute to our 1980’s theme. I am still in need of pictures of Solomon students from the 1980s. Let me know if you have any I can borrow.
Reading/Creative Writing
This week we are finishing unit four. We will tie up some loose ends and review some of the more difficult concepts. Skills we are working on this week include realism and fantasy, sequencing and main idea/details. In preparation for next week’s parent teacher conferences we will have an oral reading assessment on Thursday and a unit test on Thursday.
This week we are reviewing adjectives. Our sound of the week is the “kn” and “mb” sound. We will review that the k and b are silent letters.
We are starting a new chapter on fractions. We will review what a fraction is and explore fractions as parts of a whole and parts of a collection.
This Week’s Assignments
It has been awhile since I have received reading logs from some students. Keep turning those in for stickers!
Math homework Tue-Thursday
Cause and effect worksheet due Friday
Have a great week,
Mrs. O’Brien
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Conversation Station: An Anytime Oral Language Activity
I am always looking for new centers and activities that my students can use any time they need extra work. Recently, I tweaked an idea from my reading series and made a "conversation station". The center is meant for two students to complete together to build oral language skills.
The container is an empty wipes canister that I covered with fancy duct tape. Inside, I made 50 laminated conversation cards with questions from Gregory Stock's The Kid's Book of Questions. Each question is meant to require more than a one word answer and generally requires some critical thinking, (ie "what would you do if everyone in your family forgot your birthday?").

When completing the center, students should take turns asking and answering the questions. It is not meant to be completed in one sitting, but students can work together as long as they want (provided that all of their other work is finished). The beuaty of this center is that it can be repeated multiple times and still be a new experience every time the child has a new partner. I have been using it for two weeks now and it is a big hit because kids always love the chance to talk in class.
This idea could be easily adapted to become a creative writing station.
The container is an empty wipes canister that I covered with fancy duct tape. Inside, I made 50 laminated conversation cards with questions from Gregory Stock's The Kid's Book of Questions. Each question is meant to require more than a one word answer and generally requires some critical thinking, (ie "what would you do if everyone in your family forgot your birthday?").
When completing the center, students should take turns asking and answering the questions. It is not meant to be completed in one sitting, but students can work together as long as they want (provided that all of their other work is finished). The beuaty of this center is that it can be repeated multiple times and still be a new experience every time the child has a new partner. I have been using it for two weeks now and it is a big hit because kids always love the chance to talk in class.
This idea could be easily adapted to become a creative writing station.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Our First Live Video Chat
My class with Ms. Fenny |
Ms. Fenny on Skype |
My favorite part of talking with Fenny is that she does such a great job of sending the message to kids not to take for granted all of the freedoms and opportunity that we have as citizens of the United States. After the chat we worked together to complete a Venn diagram to compare life in Indonesia to life in the United States. Each student then wrote a paragraph with the sentence starter, "If I went to Indonesia I would...".
I love finding new ways to connect reading to live people and events. I have learned so much from having Fenny as a friend and I was really glad that I had the opportunity to share that with my students.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Classroom Newsletter: February 13, 2012
This Week
We will celebrate Valentine’s Day with the first grade Tuesday morning. It has always been my classroom tradition to have an ice cream sundae party as it is a nice treat in the middle of winter. Mrs. Schultze and I will provide the toppings and if you are able, we have asked for a $1 donation to help offset the cost. Your child may bring a decorated box for his or her valentines, otherwise we will provide a baggie for all of their treats.
Reading/Creative Writing
Last week during creative writing time, we began writing persuasive essays. Since we are using the “OREO” method (opinion, reason, explain, opinion), the topic is “which snack should Mrs. O’Brien bring to share with the class. We have talked about writing to the audience (Mrs. O’Brien) and factors that would persuade me to choose one snack over another (cost, convenience, taste). We discussed that writing to persuade is like writing to win an argument. Once our work is finished, we will read them to the class and vote on which one is the most persuasive (students cannot vote for their own). I will then bring in the winning snack to share with the class.
During reading this week we will focus on identifying cause and effect in literature. Our class story this week is usually a favorite, Missing: Stuffed Rabbit. We will continue to work on summarizing and connecting story to story and story to personal events.
I have been working hard to enhance our classroom with hands on graphic organizers, and language activities. Last week, I added a new “conversation station” to improve oral language fluency. This week’s new addition is a homemade Boggle board. Ask your child how to play our newest making words game.
Our sound of the week is the “aw” and “ough” sound. We will learn how to use adverbs.
There will be a test over chapter 7 on Wednesday. Review sheets were sent home today and our next chapter is fractions. We are continuing to work on addition timed tests. I have seen a great deal of improvement in most students, however, I still highly recommend regular flashcard practice. You can find printable flashcards on the apples4theteacher website. It is important that students are able to work at a rapid pace to identify these basic facts as they are necessary to understand multiplication facts in third grade.
This Week’s Assignments
Reading story due Friday
Keep working on those reading logs!
Math review sheet due Wed (turn in on Tue. for a bonus point)
Math homework on Thursday
Have a great week,
Mrs. O’Brien
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Classroom Newsletter: February 6, 2012
This Week
I am so proud of our second graders and the wonderful job they did leading chapel! If you were not able to attend the service, you may view the message from my blog, mrsobrienclassconnect.blogspot.com or on youtube (Search for Solomon second grade Ten Commandments chapel). To be able to understand the Ten Commandments, explain them in their own words and act them out is nothing short of remarkable. Well done! We also had a lot of fun last week playing games and eating snacks in honor of hundreds day. It was a fun filled week! You should find a note in your child’s folder today in regards to Valentine’s Day. We will celebrate with the first graders by passing out valentines and enjoying an ice cream sundae bar. If your child would like to bring in a decorated valentine box, they may do so. Otherwise, we will provide baggies for all of their “loot”. This week is a pretty “typical” week as we learn and grow together.
Reading/Creative Writing
This week we will read Paul Goes to the Ball and The Rooster Who Went to His Uncle’s Wedding. We will continue to work on summarizing and connecting the stories to past experiences. We will also review the concept of “theme” or the moral to the story. On Friday, we will take our third reading benchmark test. These will continue to be more challenging as there is very little the teacher is allowed to read to the class. At this point in the school year, it is very important for second graders to become independent readers as it is expected in third grade.
Our sound of the week is the “a, au, al” sound. We are also reviewing adjectives and learning about comparative adjectives.
This week we will complete a number of math explorations and data collections. The terms “range” and “median” will be introduced. Overall, math addition timed tests are going well. Keep practicing those flashcards to improve fluency.
This Week’s Assignments
Short story with worksheet went home last Fri. Due this Fri.
Keep working on those reading logs!
Math homework Monday-Thursday
Have a great week,
Mrs. O’Brien
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