Sunday, April 15, 2012

Classroom Newsletter: April 16, 2012

This Week

This week is a pretty “typical” week in our second grade classroom.  We are continuing to work on those skills that we need to master before entering third grade.


Our stories of the week center around the theme of dinosaurs. At this point many of the skills we are working are not new, but still need work for mastery.  They include: identifying main idea, sequencing, comprehension, rhyming and contractions.  A new skill this week is the identification of antonyms (opposites).  This should be review from earlier schooling and will be touched on to refresh memories. Our sound of the week is the “ex” sound in words like “exercise”.    

Creative Writing:

This week we will use electronic sources and our book reports to create a brief oral presentation about our selected biography person. I will help students with the presentation in class and they may continue to work on it at home.  The directions to the project will be in the red homework folder.   Be thinking about how your child can dress like the person they are studying as we are planning a wax museum.  I do not expect new outfits to be purchased… a lot can be done with some creativity paper plates, yarn, grocery bags, etc. The tentative date for the wax museum, which friends and family are invited to, is still Friday April 27 at 9 am, though I have not confirmed this on the school calendar.  I will do my best to have this set in stone by the end of the week.  This is a new project for me so if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!


We are continuing to take subtraction timed tests this week.  We will also continue to work on our chapter 10 money unit.  This week we will learn how to count up to make change.    

This Week’s Assignments

 It has been awhile since I have received reading logs from some students.  Keep turning those in for stickers!

Math homework Monday-Thursday

Work on wax museum oral reports at home.  Directions are in the red folder.  Think about your costume for the wax museum next week.

Have a great week,

Mrs. O’Brien

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