This Week
We have a busy and fun week ahead in second grade! Don’t forget to join us at 8:30 on Wednesday as the second grade will present the chapel message. I am very proud of these young children as they have worked hard to portray the Ten Commandments in their own words. I am hoping to videotape the performance so that it can be viewed from by blog site by parents and grandparents who are unable to attend. Please note: in an effort to make my blog more user friendly, I have shortened the name to
Reading/Creative Writing
This week we are reading two stories where the characters bake something. If time permits, I may have a special surprise to go along with this theme on Friday : ) Skills we are working on include summarizing and connecting what we have read to our lives and other pieces of literature. If time permits, we will also discuss the difference between realism and fantasy. During creative writing time, we will read “The Snow Globe Family”. We will compare the two families in the story and write about what it would be like to live in a snow globe. Your child is welcome to bring in a snow globe to share with the class, but please no expensive or fragile ones.
Our sound of the week is the short e sound. We are also reviewing ABC order and dictionary skills.
This week we will do a number of activities involving patterning and number reasoning with addition and subtraction. We will also continue to increase our speed on addition timed tests. Wednesday is the 100th day of school. We will play some fun games involving the number 100. Your child does not need to bring in anything special for hundred day.
This Week’s Assignments
No reading assignment was sent home (practice for chapel)
Keep working on those reading logs!
Dolch list will be checked on Friday
Math homework on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
Have a great week,
Mrs. O’Brien